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py-buildbot-console-view (V) Waterfall Plugin for the buildbot CI system
py-buildbot-grid-view (V) Grid View Plugin for the buildbot CI system
py-buildbot-pkg (V) Packaging tools for the buildbot CI system
py-buildbot-waterfall-view (V) Waterfall Plugin for the buildbot CI system
py-buildbot-worker (V) Worker for the buildbot CI system
py-buildbot-www (V) Web frontend for the buildbot CI system
py-cares Python interface for c-ares
py-celery Asynchronous task/job queue based on distributed message passing
py-cfscrape (V) Python module for dealing with Cloudfare protection
py-cloudflare Python wrapper for the Cloudflare v4 API
py-comm Jupyter Python Comm implementation
py-cookies (V) RFC 6265-compliant cookie parser/renderer
py-cymruwhois Client for the service
py-digitalocean Python module to manage Digital Ocean droplets
py-dns Python DNS toolkit
py-dns1 Python DNS toolkit (v1)
py-dnsdiag DNS Diagnostics and Performance Measurement Tools
py-docker-hub (V) Access docker hub from your terminal
py-doh-proxy (V) Client and proxy implementation of DoH (DNS over HTTPS)
py-dpkt Fast, simple packet creation/parsing
py-dropbox Dropbox Python API
py-eapi (V) Library for Arista's eAPI command API implementation
py-ec2instanceconnectcli AWS EC2 Instance Connect Client
py-ephemeral_port_reserve Bind to ephemeral port, force it into TIME_WAIT state, and unbind it
py-etesync (V) Python client library for EteSync
py-flower Real-time monitor and web admin for Celery task queue
py-foolscap RPC protocol for Twisted
py-fritzconnection Communicate with the AVM FRITZ!Box
py-GeoIP GeoIP Legacy Python API
py-gevent Python-gevent a coroutine-based Python networking library
py-geventhttpclient HTTP client library for gevent
py-google-api-python-client (V) Python client library for Google's discovery based APIs
py-google-cloud-core (V) Google Cloud API client core library
py-google-cloud-sdk Google Cloud SDK (for Compute Engine etc.)
py-google-cloud-storage (V) Google Cloud Storage API client library
py-grequests Requests + Gevent
py-grpcio HTTP/2-based RPC framework
py-grpcio-testing gRPC Python testing package
py-grpcio-tools Protobuf code generator for gRPC
py-hatop Interactive client and monitoring tool for HAProxy
py-hpack Pure-Python HPACK header compression
py-ifaddr Enumerates all IP addresses on all network adapters of the system
py-impacket Collection of Python classes for working with network protocols
py-internetarchive (V) Interface to the internet archive
py-IP Python module to handle IPv4 and IPv6 address
py-ipaddress Port of the python 3.3+ ipaddress module to 2.6 and 2.7
py-ipcalc IP subnet calculator
py-irclib Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol client library
py-jsonrpc-server (V) Asynchronous JSON RPC server for Python
py-jsonrpclib (V) Implementation of the JSON-RPC v2.0 specification
py-jsonrpclib-pelix (V) Implementation of the JSON-RPC v2.0 specification
py-junos-eznc Python library to manage JunOS devices
py-kenosis P2P RPC system
py-kombu Messaging framework for Python
py-ldapdomaindump Collection of Python classes for working with network protocols
py-lexicon Manipulate DNS records on various DNS providers
py-libdnet Python wrapper for libdnet
py-libpcap Python wrapper for libpcap
py-librabbitmq (V) AMQP Client using the rabbitmq-c library
py-libtorrent-rasterbar (V) Python binding of rasterbar libtorrent library
py-lsp-jsonrpc (V) Asynchronous JSON RPC server for Python (fork of python-jsonrpc-server)
py-magic-wormhole Securely transfer data between computers
py-magic-wormhole-mailbox-server Main server for Magic Wormhole
py-magic-wormhole-transit-relay Transit Relay server for Magic-Wormhole
py-medusa Framework for writing asynchronous socket-based servers
py-metar Downloads weather reports
py-minio MinIO Python SDK for Amazon S3 Compatible Cloud Storage
py-mitmproxy_rs Mitmproxy's Rust bits
py-modbus (V) Fully featured modbus protocol stack in python
py-modbus-cli Command line tool to access Modbus devices
py-mohawk (V) Library for Hawk HTTP authorization
py-moto Mock-up of the boto library
py-moznetwork (V) Library of network utilities for use in Mozilla testing
py-msal (V) Python library to access the Microsoft Cloud
py-msal-extensions (V) Persistence API that can save your data on disk
py-msrest (V) AutoRest swagger generator Python client runtime
py-musicbrainz-ngs (V) Python bindings for Musicbrainz NGS service
py-namecheap Namecheap API client in Python
py-ncclient NETCONF Python client
py-netaddr Python library for manipulating network addresses
py-netifaces Portable access to network interfaces from Python
py-netsnmp Python bindings to extensible SNMP implementation
py-nyx Command-line monitor for the tor daemon
py-oauth2client (V) Python library for accessing resources protected by OAuth 2.0
py-omniORBpy Python interface to omniORB
py-onionbalance Tor onion service load balancer
py-ORBit Python bindings for ORBit2
py-pafy (V) Retrieve YouTube content and metadata
py-paho-mqtt MQTT version 3.1.1 client class
py-pamqp RabbitMQ Focused AMQP low-level library
py-pcap Simplified object-oriented python module for libpcap
py-pika Python AMQP Client Library
py-policy-sentry (V) Generate locked-down AWS IAM Policies
py-portend TCP port monitoring utilities
py-prometheus_client Prometheus instrumentation library for Python applications
py-ptt Twitter API, command-line tool, and IRC bot
py-pychromecast Python module to talk to Google Chromecast
py-pyftpdlib Very fast asynchronous FTP server library
py-pylint-celery Pylint plugin to aid Pylint in recognising the Celery library
py-pynng Ergonomic bindings for nanomsg next generation (nng) in Python